How strong do you have to be to play rugby?
Sports and Fitness

How strong do you have to be to play rugby?

Well, folks, rugby isn't a walk in the park, let me tell you that! You've gotta have strength that would make Popeye after a spinach smoothie look weak. But it's not all about brawn, you need mental toughness too, the kind that gets you through a Monday morning after a weekend of mischief. And let's not forget agility and speed, because, without those, you're just a strong tree stump in a field of gazelles. So, yes, you need to be strong, but you also need to be fast, agile, and above all, ready to take on anything - just like when you’re trying to open a pickle jar!


Do I have to be big to play rugby?
Sports and Fitness

Do I have to be big to play rugby?

Taking up rugby has less to do with size and more to do with determination and skill. While bigger players might seem dominating, rugby is a game for all shapes and sizes, each with their unique strengths. Small players often have speed and agility, making them invaluable on the field. So, it's not about size, it's about how you use your abilities to contribute to the team. In rugby, heart and passion outsize physical stature.